Girl siting on floor using laptop in library aisle
Woman assisting child using sewing machine in class
Smiling teenage boy taking notes while sitting on floor in libary
Group of young adults seated on floor in library talking in library surrounded by books
Mature women seated at table listening to someone speaking
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My daughter gets very excited when I tell her that we are going to the library. Thanks to those visits to the library I was able to get her to love reading again. When we get to the library she has a lot of fun choosing which new books she will read this time. She always chooses more than 5, I am very happy with all this. Thank you to all of you who make it possible for this library to remain open at no cost to those of us who still believe in the power of reading. Thank you!
- Lisbet
1. Reading confidence 2. Improved grades 3. Increased family time 4. Fun when bored 5. Fun events for families 6. Free books 7. Helped to learn chess 8. Make new friends 9. Keeps me connected to the community 10. Keeps kids busy with constructive activities 11. Saves money! 12. Socialization is easier
- The Ryan Family
I really like the Sharon public library because they have fun crafts that let me interact with other kids!
The Sharon public library has made books and other resources available to our town community, I love working there. Some books are tough to find outside of the library and the vast collection allows anyone to find whatever book they need.
- Izzy
I thought that the arrival of the personal computer would spell the end of the public library. Not only didn't that happen, but the library -- both in person and virtually -- is in some ways more important to people than ever. It remains a vital resource for our community. I think of the Norton Public Library as the real heart of our town. People of all ages consider it theirs. Which it is. Libraries deserve all the support they can get from our local and state legislators. Thank you. Robert Lovinger
- Robert
Joseph Plumb Memorial Library in Rochester supports my child care center! The librarians help provide a variety of books to build upon our youngest learners early education curriculum! I’m able to reserve books for all our classrooms and switch them every couple weeks to keep our classroom books interesting for our students! This helps us keep costs down & stay eco-conscious as we don’t need to purchase all the books we use but can share with our community!
- Johnanne
My library helps me access books for adult learning about my career and interests in creative ways! Especially the CWMars system. I get so many gorgeous books about architecture. Chelsea always has a great recommendation and does so much to facilitate community engagement. I am so grateful for GML and only wish there were more hours!
It has helped me to connect with other members of my community, and to learn new skills (knitting).
My library has helped me find a love for reading and a way to be a part of my community.
The Manchester-by-the-Sea library is a treasure in this town, it makes my life richer through: * active monthly book discussions with Mystery Book Club and Hearthside Book Club * lots of good choices for checking out current and older material, or requesting titles from a consortium library * robust and informative databases * easy to use e-books, magazines and audiobooks through Libby * museum passes * a variety of programs for all ages * a cozy fireplace to enjoy while catching up with the local newspaper or magazines * fabulous and dedicated staff
- Leslie
We love our public library in Hull for story times, fun events and the books we need for our kids!
We are so lucky to have a library that provides such amazing programs. Thank you.
The library provides the opportunity to meet with other members of my community and explore new hobbies and topics that I wouldn't otherwise be able to.

